Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I'm now comfortable to announce, I'm PREGNANT!  Steven and I are very excited to be expecting our third child.  We just had an ultrasound a couple of days ago and the doctor said he was 99.9% confident that I would carry this baby full-term.  The baby had a strong heartbeat and was developing right on track. I also know that the pregnancy hormone is very strong, I am nauseated just about every second of the day.  

I was in the commissary (grocery store) today trying to get some shopping done and there was a lady cooking sausage and handing out samples, I about lost it right in the aisle!  The smell made me lose it almost instantly. I started sweating and my month filled with saliva, you know what that means.  I laid my upper body across my cart and just prayed I could contain myself!  I think I would rather wet my pants in public then vomit.  Luckily I made it but as soon as I collected myself I bolted to the register and got the heck out of there.  This is the first pregnancy I have had where I am soooo nauseous.  Could that possibly mean I am having a girl? Because I am so nauseous I don't have a lot of cravings, food always sounds disgusting, however if I could live off sweets I would.  All I ever want to eat is candy, fruit, cake, it doesn't matter as long as it has sugar.  I don't of course but I want too.  What does that mean?  

The only sad news of this very exciting pregnancy is that Steven will be in Iraq when it comes time for me to deliver.  He is deploying on July 3rd and is anticipated to return in early January 2010.  I am due the first week in December!  Most wives are working out and getting in shape for when there husbands return, I will be gaining 30 to 40 pounds and have only a month to get back into shape after having a baby.  Not to mention I will have a newborn and two other children to take care of.  Yeah, Steven can kiss his thin wife goodbye and not expect to see her for a while.  This wasn't exactly planned perfectly but I have always heard that when you stop trying to have a baby is when you get pregnant, it’s true!  Life is good though, I can't complain.  I have an incredible family and I wouldn't change anything.


Rachel said...

Congrats Jenny! That is such great news. I can't predict for you or anything, but I totally was more nauseated with Rylynn than with the boys, plus I always wanted carbs and sweets with her. So if I were your doctor I would say its looking good for a girl. I am sorry to hear that Steven will be gone when you deliver. I'm sure it will all work out though. Hang in there! YOu are so brave.

Seriously... said...

congratulations!!! very exciting!!!! I don't want to be a downer...but i was sick with this last pregnancy (and thought i was having a girl) and it was a boy. again. But i'll cross my fingers for you!!!! Are you still planning a trip out to CA??? i hope so, we'd love to see you, even if you're pregnant :) HOpe all goes'll have to figure out how to stream live video over the internet and then steven can watch you have the baby...but then maybe others can to? i'm not so good with the technology, but i'm sure there's a way. anyway...congrats again!!!!

Victoria said...

Congratulations!! You know, I was nauseous for 3 months straight with both my pregnancies...and you have two beautiful neices :) Oh and I constantly wanted sweets too...that's really not much different from my non-pregnant life but it seemed to be more prominent while pregnant...

Let us know if we can do anything for you...I know we don't live close or anything but I'm definitley just a phone call away!!

Love ya, Sis, and miss you!

Anonymous said...

Jennelies, glad the cats out of the bag now we can brag that we have another Grandbaby on the way. We will help you while Steven is gone. We Love you Mom & Dad

sara said...

Congratulations Jenny!!! I'm so happy for you guys. What a blessing. I'm so sad that you are going to have to brave it alone for a while. It just reiterates the sacrifices noble military men and women make for our country. And--I want to thank you for being willing to make these kinds of sacrifices.

On another note--I totally had the same experience with this pregnancy. I've never been nauseated like this. It was awful!!! So different from the boys pregnancies. But, we just found out yesterday that it's another boy, go figure. I do hope that you'll get a girl, though. But either way, I'm happy that you were able to get pregnant again and that all things are going well.

Ben and Laurie said...

We are so excited for you guys!! Frustrating to hear about he deployment timing though. I guess that's how it goes. We are looking forward to hearing what your ultrasound results are. Or are you going to wait??

Mom & Dad Campbell said...

We are very happy for you. Wish we could help you get rid of the nausea. It is much more fun to be pregnant if you are not nauseated.

We would love to help in any way we can. We love you sooooo much.

Carrie Anne said...

Congratulations!!! Very exciting times for you! I'm sorry your hubby will be away...bummer!
Are you still coming to Utah sometime this summer? Let me know if you are b/c I'd love to see you if we're in town!
I hope that nausea stops soon!!! OH man!!!

sara said...

Do you know what you're having yet? If so, you must post!

Alison Day said...

Yeah! Congratulations! It's hard to imagine another child when life gets so easy with two older ones, eh? Good luck enduring the joys of pregnancy while Steven is gone... You'll do GREAT! We're excited for you guys!

Tracey said...

Hooray!!! I am so excited for you Jennie and really hoping that it is a girl! When will you know? Pretty soon right? From what you said Steven is gone now, how is that going? Are you starting to feel a little bit better yet? I hope so, it sounded like you had it pretty bad. It seems like each baby gets harder but more adorable. Your boys are so cute I can't even imagine how cute #3 will be. I am so much admiration for military wives and will forever be grateful for military families and their sacrifices. Thank you! I will keep you in our prayers! I am in Utah right now, give me a cal if by chance you are up visiting your family! (801)943-8392