Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I'm now comfortable to announce, I'm PREGNANT!  Steven and I are very excited to be expecting our third child.  We just had an ultrasound a couple of days ago and the doctor said he was 99.9% confident that I would carry this baby full-term.  The baby had a strong heartbeat and was developing right on track. I also know that the pregnancy hormone is very strong, I am nauseated just about every second of the day.  

I was in the commissary (grocery store) today trying to get some shopping done and there was a lady cooking sausage and handing out samples, I about lost it right in the aisle!  The smell made me lose it almost instantly. I started sweating and my month filled with saliva, you know what that means.  I laid my upper body across my cart and just prayed I could contain myself!  I think I would rather wet my pants in public then vomit.  Luckily I made it but as soon as I collected myself I bolted to the register and got the heck out of there.  This is the first pregnancy I have had where I am soooo nauseous.  Could that possibly mean I am having a girl? Because I am so nauseous I don't have a lot of cravings, food always sounds disgusting, however if I could live off sweets I would.  All I ever want to eat is candy, fruit, cake, it doesn't matter as long as it has sugar.  I don't of course but I want too.  What does that mean?  

The only sad news of this very exciting pregnancy is that Steven will be in Iraq when it comes time for me to deliver.  He is deploying on July 3rd and is anticipated to return in early January 2010.  I am due the first week in December!  Most wives are working out and getting in shape for when there husbands return, I will be gaining 30 to 40 pounds and have only a month to get back into shape after having a baby.  Not to mention I will have a newborn and two other children to take care of.  Yeah, Steven can kiss his thin wife goodbye and not expect to see her for a while.  This wasn't exactly planned perfectly but I have always heard that when you stop trying to have a baby is when you get pregnant, it’s true!  Life is good though, I can't complain.  I have an incredible family and I wouldn't change anything.