I wanted to take a moment to solute the soliders in Iraq and Afghanistan that are fighting to keep us safe. What many people don't hear about are the families here at home who are left as single mothers, fathers, sons and daughters. Over the past couple of months I have been surrounded by mothers and children that have husbands and fathers deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Just in my small neighborhood we have at least a dozen husbands deployed. That is not to mention the ones I don't know about. They are some of the bravest women I have ever met. Most all of them have children ranging from infants to high school. I have had the privilege to speak to several of these women and they all have very similar stories. There life is HARD!! They not only deal with the loss of there husbands for over a year but also daily worrying, companionship, and rasing a family alone. Imagine your spouse being gone that long and the idea of telling your children that Daddy is not coming home. One friend said to me, "It's like your life is in slow motion, you have to take one day at a time." Now remember that these familys are fighting this war for US. It's not only the soliders but the Families that are sacrificing there lives for our safty and freedom. It's there husbands and there fathers who are not present. It is my wish that we remember these sacrifices and say a prayer for our Military and there Families. I want to also mention that everyone that I have met has a strong belief in this war and are willing to give what has been asked of them, however that doesn't make it any easier. I am so grateful for the people I have met and the strength of these women. I hope that I too can be as strong as they are when Steven has left us to serve in this war. God bless the USA!